- "Shall We Blame Health IT for Medicare Overpayments? New Evidence from Medicare Recovery Audit Program" (with Keith Joiner), accepted at Contemporary Economic Policy. [Draft coming soon]
- "More Doctors in Town Now? Evidence from Medicaid Expansions" (with Jason Huh), accepted at Journal of Policy Analysis and Management. [Paper]
- "Reassessing the Impact of Health IT: Hidden Costs and Consequences of Vendor Heterogeneity" (with Mary Olson), accepted at Journal of Economics & Management Strategy. [Paper]
- "Strategic Complements or Substitutes? The Case of Adopting Health Information Technology by U.S. Hospitals," Review of Economics and Statistics, 2023, 105(5): 1237-1254. [Paper]
- "To Follow the Market or the Parent System: Evidence from Health IT Adoption by Hospital Chains," Economic Inquiry, 2023, 61(4): 891-910. [Paper]
- "Upcoding in Medicare: Where Does It Matter Most?" (with Keith Joiner and Juan Pantano), Health Economics Review, 2024, 14(1).[Paper]
Working Papers
- "How do Hospitals Respond To Payment Incentives?" (with Gautam Gowrisankaran and Keith Joiner). [Draft coming soon]
- "Monitoring Pressure and Billing Practices: Evidence from Medicare Recovery Audits" (with Juan Pantano). [Draft coming soon]
- "Hospital Upcoding Decisions under Medicare Audits" (with Juan Pantano). [Draft coming soon]
Selected works in progress
- Care coordination and health IT adoption (with Keith Joiner)
- Health IT adoption and physician labor supply (with Jason Huh and Lucy (Xiaolu) Wang)
- Price transparency in health care (with Keith Joiner)
Other publications
- "Blockchain and IoT Enhanced Clinical Workflow," (with Oshani Seneviratne and Manan Shukla) 2022, Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, AIME 2022. [Paper]
- "BlockIoT: Blockchain-based Health Data Integration using IoT Devices," (with Oshani Seneviratne and Manan Shukla) 2021, AMIA 2021 Annual Symposium. [Paper]
- "BlockIoT-RETEL: Blockchain and IoT Based Read-Execute-Transact-Erase-Loop Environment for Integrating Personal Health Data," (with Oshani Seneviratne and Manan Shukla) 2021, Proceedings of IEEE Blockchain Conference 2021.
- "Tourism, Terms of Trade and Welfare to the Poor," (with Bharat R. Hazari) 2011, Theoretical Economics Letters, 01, pp. 28-32. [Paper]
- "Environmental Kuznets Curve for Air Quality in City: A Dynamic Panel Data Approach," (with Haisheng Yang and Yongzhang Zhou) 2008, Resource Development & Market, 07, pp. 39-43. [Paper]